The design and programming team here at has created a new module for RV Dealers to use on their website. It’s an easy-to-use Coupon module.
Most, if not all RV Parts and RV Service departments have monthly coupons available to their customers. Why not, it’s an excellent way to draw in business and build customer loyalty. It seems to be common practice to post them in with your newspaper and magazine ads. Why not post them on your website as well?
My local Kia service department mails coupons to me about every 3 months. I’ve also noticed they have them on their website so if I don’t get it in the mail, I can just print it right off their website. So convenient and it makes me feel more appreciated and valued as a customer, which is why the last time I got an oil change (with a coupon) that I bought two new tires from them.
To the left is an example of what the Coupon looks like. Your company name will be at the top (where it says Test Dealership), then you have a title ($5 off oil change), price line #1 (crossed out price), price line #2 (sale price in red), description, an image (this example does not have an image), valid dates and a print coupon button. When your visitors click the Print Coupon button, it will open up a new window with only that coupon in it and auto run the print tool.
When entering your coupons in the Member Management System, there is an “active” field for each coupon. When that’s marked, it will display the coupon on your website. This gives you the ability to plan and enter your coupons in advance so that it’s just a matter of marking them active when it’s time to change up your coupons.
If you are a Platinum Dealer with us, this module is included in your package and you should have received an email about this earlier today. If you are a Dealer Partner or Member Dealer, and you would like to use this tool on your website, send me an email. I’ll get right back to you with the information.
Cindy Spencer 🙂