Back in 2017, we created a list of the 4 Reasons Why Your Dealership Needs A Blog. In the wide world of the internet, things change rapidly. While the goals are the same, online marketing has become much more complex to do correctly in the last few years. When strategically planning how to be found at the top of Google search results and build trust with your leads, an RV dealership blog should be a major priority!
What an RV Dealership Blog Does for You
Blogging is really just one strategy in your dealership’s overall marketing efforts. Many are tempted to cast it aside because it doesn’t usually lead to direct sales. It still takes resources, so you need a return on your investment, right? When it comes to implementing blogging for your dealership, it’s important to know that just slapping a poorly thought-out post together isn’t going to get you the same results as crafting a blogging strategy. When organizations make blogging a priority, they find they are 13x more likely to obtain a positive ROI (Hubspot) on their blogging efforts.
Generate More Leads
Posting frequently is a great practice for success! Blog posts should be made at consistent intervals, with relevant, well researched information. Our agency recommends blogging as often as you can commit to. So how many blogs should you post each month? Well, there are many different theories online. Our research has shown that posting two to four strategically written blog posts per month will add to your SEO value. High quality blog content also adds interesting information for visitors, whether they’ve found your blog through Google search, a link on a social media post, or while already on your website.
Build a Lead Pipeline
Many leads come from people who are shopping around and not quite ready to purchase. Even if they’re not signing papers today, you still want them to know who you are. Thoughtful blog topics that engage customers earlier in their buying journey can draw these shoppers to you. The blog can answer questions and address concerns that shoppers have throughout their shopping experience. This builds trust with your potential customer and makes them more likely to return.
Provide Expertise, Credibility, and Build Rapport
Your dealerships blogs allow you to demonstrate your value by providing prospects with insight into your industry knowledge. It doesn’t require a huge lift because the thoughts, experiences, and expertise already had in the RV industry are valuable to researching shoppers. Talking about new models, industry trends, news, etc. are all excellent blog topics. By building an array of content, you are showing potential customers why you should be their dealership of choice – all before a single face-to-face happens.
Set Yourself Apart from Competitors
It can be difficult for dealerships to differentiate themselves from their competitors. However, an RV dealership blog can really help with that. Blogs offer online researchers and shoppers a library of content to assist them in decision making and a way to truly understanding their purchase. Also, an RV dealership blog provides a platform to show leads all you’re willing to do for them to make their next purchase a smooth and positive process.
When done correctly, it may not be necessary to compare yourself with others. Simply showcase the benefits your customers receive when buying from your dealership over another. Being able to showcase things your dealership does better over competitors might seem like a low blow to some, and we understand that. So, focusing on how much your RV dealership values its customers is a great way to do that professionally!
Inform and Communicate with Leads
Some dealerships may have never thought about needed to detail processes or information to customers beyond a few sentences until COVID-19 procedures became relevant. Blogs are an excellent way to provide information and communicate directly with leads and buyers. While a website pop up is a great solution for a very short message, those requiring longer text and more details don’t work well in that format. A well written RV dealership blog provides a place to organize more detailed information with clear headlines.
When blogging is done properly, your content can and should include two to three high quality photos, one to two links to other blog content you’ve written or inventory pages, and a strong call-to-action. Whether a customer is looking for information on how to decide between two different manufacturers or what to expect from your dealership’s sales process, the goal is to have content to match their needs. In addition to providing information, an RV dealership blog is a sales neutral environment for current or future buyers to gather information prior to their purchase. After all, not all shoppers are ready to buy right now.
Educate Buyers with Helpful Industry Knowledge
How much time do your salespeople spend educating customers? Wouldn’t you rather them be spending their time selling? Let your blog help you out. By posting videos, audio, images, or detailed descriptions of what you offer, you can educate customers before they even step foot in your dealership. Many shoppers like to be prepared before they arrive, and even more of them like to continue to educate themselves after going home from the dealership. Remember: the more time they spend going to you for information, the less time they go to competitors.
With a blog, there are no limits to the types of unique content you can create. You can post about anything from research to maintenance to the buying process, to financing approval, and more. Videos are a great tool to use for training and educating customers about your products. A blog is a great way to elaborate on the things your salespeople spend lots of time teaching customers about.
Increase Web Traffic and SEO Value
SEO or search engine optimization means making your web content easy to find for search engines. Blog content is a great way to make your site more SEO-friendly and assist in increasing website traffic. There’s no guarantee blogging will increase your web traffic by a certain percentage, especially because not all blogging efforts are equal. Success rates can also vary from industry to industry. One study by HubSpot found that companies that blog have a 126% better lead growth.
Blogging the Right Way to Benefit your Dealership
Like everything else, success with blogging requires consistency and strategy. At NetSource Media, we write blogs for ourselves and also for many clients. Our experienced writers can create cohesive content that’s relevant to shoppers at every stage of their shopping process so that you can reach the largest audience possible. We identify and target keywords that people use in online searches and use marketing integration and lead generation to give you maximum results.