Augmented reality apps allow people to interact with the real-world in augmented ways via a computer generated sensory input like sound, video, graphics, haptics, or GPS data. Basically, augmented reality apps allow you to aim your smartphone at something in the real world like a building or a product and information pops up seemingly out of nowhere.


You’ve probably interacted or at least seen some augmented reality apps already such as Pokemon Go, Star Walk 2, SnapChat, and Fitness AR. However, many businesses are starting to embrace augmented reality to promote their products and services.

One such business is Ikea. They created an augmented reality app called IKEA Place that allows its users to visualize how its furniture will look in their homes. Users scan their floor plan with their phone then drag and drop different furniture into place. This is just one use of augmented reality apps in business. The following are just a few more uses.

Use In Business

Remote collaboration – With augmented reality apps, remote workers can appear to be in the same room for meetings. This allows the meeting to be more engaging and less distracting then if they couldn’t see each other. This can also work with keeping in contact with customers.

Training and Education – Augmented reality creates an immersive and interactive learning experience that uses multiple senses which makes it more effective then just reading or listening to a lecture.


Repairs – The ability of augmented reality to show each piece of a machine and direct the users on how to fix it even without any repair experience on the user’s side can allow better customer service and satisfaction.

Showcasing Products and Services


As the IKEA example above mentions, augmented reality allows customers to see what your product or service looks like in their home before purchasing it. This not only allows customers to be sure of their purchases before buying from your business but also can minimize the amount of returns your business receives lowering the expenses involved with that.

RV Dealerships could not only give tours of all the RVs and trailers on their lots but also provide up-to-date information about each of them so customers can view from home or on the lot. On the lot viewing could provide even more information like current specials, credit applications, direct them to a sales person that can help them with their purchase, and much more.



Many museums and business can make use of augmented reality to direct customers through tours of their businesses as well provide interactive and informative tours. Realtors can have apps that allow them to show every aspect of a home they are selling as well as give information such as renovation history and the home’s history without having to be there in person to show it.

There are also currently apps that can help direct you to landmarks or to where you parked your car. These apps usually have arrows on your mobile device’s screen directing you step-by-step on how to get there. The same could be done to direct customers to products in your store or lot.

These are only a few of the ways that your business can benefit from augmented reality and as the technology continues to improve, the use of augmented reality apps will no doubt become main stream for all businesses.

So do you need an augmented reality app for your business or dealership? As more and more customers become acquainted with augmented reality apps it will surely become common place for all businesses. However, all business owners should weigh the cost of creating an augmented reality app against their return on investment before jumping in feet first.

For more information on how NetSource Media can help take your dealership to the next level give us a call today at (800) 709-3240 or click here to email us to get started.

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