Here’s how to easily update your site with our exclusive SiteSource CMS (Content Management System)!
Table of Contents:
Browser to Use: Google Chrome
Login: Go to:
Live URL:
Page Settings:
Page Path – this is what displays in the URL for that specific page (**Do not change this on your homepage.) Spaces will automatically convert to dashes in the URL. For example, if your website is and you enter “huge sale” into the page path field, that page’s URL will be
Page Title:
- Where page titles display: In the browser tab. On a social post of a shared link. In search engine results* as the clickable headline.
- Purpose: to help search engines understand what a page is about.
- Keep around or under 60 characters.
- Give every page a unique title (don’t reuse).
- Put important keywords first.
- Don’t keyword stuff (repeat the same or similar word into one title).
Meta Description:
- Where meta descriptions display: In search engine results* below the headline.
- Purpose: to give a brief description of the page and encourage click through to the website
- Best length is 50-160 characters.
- Provide value and a reason to click through to the site (compelling content).
- Write in a natural way, for the user.
- Don’t try to stuff keywords into the description, as this data is not used in ranking a page.
- Give every page a unique description (don’t reuse).
- Don’t use quotation marks.
To make changes to either of these fields, just put your cursor in the field you want to edit and start typing. When you are done, make sure you click the Save button to upload those changes to your website.
Manage Pages:
Reorder Menu – to reorder the menu, just drag and drop them into place and click the Refresh Pages button to apply your changes to your live website.
Show / Hide Buttons – on the right side of each button there is an eye that will either be open or closed . If the eye is open, the button is shown in your website navigation. If the eye is closed, that button does not display in your website navigation, but it’s still an active page on your website and can link to it from text or images on any page of your website.
Adding Pages to Site Map – by default when you add a new page to your website, it will display that page link on your site map page (link in footer). If for some reason you do not want that page to display on the site map page, click on Manage Pages, click on the button for the page you want to edit and click the “Displayed in Sitemap” button. To add it back to the Site Map page, click the “Hidden in Sitemap” button to change it back to Displayed in Sitemap.
Add a Page – choose the page layout (free format, 2 column 50/50 and 2 column 50/50 top & free format bottom), enter the page title (keep in mind this is what the button will say in your navigation) and click the Add button. Free Format (see below), allows you to use the entire body space of the page to add blocks that are the full width of your design. 2 Column 50/50 (see below), has two equally divided block sections. 2 Column 50/50 Top & Free Format Bottom (see below), has two equally divided block sections at the top and then a full width block section at the bottom. Keep in mind, once you add a block of content and save it, an additional block that same size will display below it so that you can add more content using that same block size.
Add a Form – chose the form (Request Quote, Trade Appraisal, Schedule Sales Appointment, Schedule Service Appointment, Request a Part, Submit a Testimonial), enter the menu title (keep in mind this is what the button will say in your navigation), form title (this will be the label on form submissions) and form path (the ending of the page’s URL). Click Add. Go to your new form page and fill out the Email To (the address you want submissions delivered to) and Email From (where should the form be sent from). These may be the same address.
View Deleted Pages – you can view, restore, or permanently remove deleted pages in this section. Each deleted page will have the title, data and time it was added and date and time it was deleted. The creator and approver fields are planned for an upgrade and not available yet.
Files – the allowed file types in this folder are doc, docx, pdf, zip files… documents.
Images – the allowed file types in this folder are bmp, gif, jpeg, jpg and png.
Form Submissions:
This page will contain each of the form submissions visitors have sent to you via your website. On your website, this includes the Contact Us page, all active forms from the “Add a Form” option, and any form built with the Custom Form Builder. You will still receive those emails in the account that form is setup to submit to – these email submissions are copies. You may delete records from the Form Submissions area.
The Pop-up option allows you to build a pop-up/splash screen to display on any or all pages of your website. Click Add New to get started. The fields below control how the pop-up functions:
- Name – The name will display to users at the top of the pop-up and also display in your list of pop-ups.
- Delay Timer – Enter in the number of seconds you’d like the user to be on the page prior to the pop-up displaying.
- Type – You can choose HTML or Image.
- When HTML is selected, a content editor box will display in which you can add formatted text, links, and images.
- When Image is selected, an upload option will appear, allowing you to upload an image of your choice.
- Add Form – if you’d like to use this pop-up to display a form, you may choose any form from the Custom Form Builder. The form must already be built within that module.
- Display Page – Check off the page or pages the pop-up should display on. “Select All” means all pages will be selected.
- Frequency – How often do you want visitors to see this pop-up?
- Every Visit – every visit, every time a selected page is loaded.
- Per Session – only one time during the visitors session, no matter how many pages they view. If the visitor leaves the site and comes back later, they will see it again.
- One Time – only one time. If the visitor leaves the site and comes back later, they will not see it again unless cookies or cache has been cleared.
- Popup Width – how much width of the screen do you want the pop-up to cover?
- Dynamic – will grow with the screen size of the particular visitor.
- Small – 500 pixels wide
- Medium – 800 pixels wide
- Large – 1200 pixels wide
- Note about mobile experience – no matter which width you choose, the pop-up will be responsive and work correctly on phones.
- Form Size – choose how much of the pop-up width your form covers. For example, if you want to add an image and a form of equal width side by side, choose 50%.
See sample pop-ups here: Sample 1, Sample 2, Sample 3.
To the right of the Form Submission you’ll notice there is a pencil icon; this means that you are in edit mode. If you want to see what the page you are on looks like to visitors, click that pencil to switch to view mode, which will display a monitor . To switch back to edit mode, click the monitor icon.
Persistent blocks – you may notice “persistent” blocks of content on your website. Persistent means that they appear in that same spot on all the pages of your website. This allows you to add common content, such as address, phone number, hours, etc., to the homepage one time and have it shown throughout your website. To edit the content with a persistent block, click on it and the editor page will appear. Make your changes and click the Save button to upload them to your live website.
Current blocks – to edit current blocks on the page, click on them and the editor will display so that you can make your changes. Make sure to click the Save button to upload those changes to your live website. You’ll also notice that each block has buttons for hide and delete in the top right corner. When you click hide on a block, it will turn it red, which means that it’s not displaying on your live website. To unhide it, click the Show button. To delete a block, click the delete button, it will ask you if you are sure of this action and if you are click OK. This action can’t be undone, once you delete a block of content it’s gone for good.
Add block – below current content blocks, you will see a green section that says “Add Block”. When you add a block, you’ll have options based on your particular account plan. These may include:
- Content Editor – allows you to add text, images, links, etc. You can format it much like Word using the icons along the top. If you are familiar with HTML code, click on the Source button to view / edit the source code for that block. To get back to design mode, click on the Source button again.
- Inventory – RV/Trailer allows you to choose with units you want displayed in that block of content based on many of the fields in the MMC, including: condition, brand, model, type, classification, hitch type, attributes (include and exclude), features (include and exclude), year range, length range, price range, weight range and keyword. You can also specify if you want to include the featured units on the page or not and the sort order. Once you have all the items selected / entered that you want, click the Create Query String button at the bottom. Keep in mind, if you want to select multiple items within a field, hold down your CTRL key on your keyboard and click each item that you want to include. Inventory – Power Sports, Inventory – Misc and Inventory – Manufactured Home work the same way.
- Inventory search – RV/Trailer allows you to add our standard RV Search form to any page. Just click on the button and click Save Changes.
- Inventory Filter – allows you to add the RV/Trailer Filterform to any inventory page. Just click on the button, choose the fields you want to display and click Save Changes. Please note that there is an existing page template that includes the filter already. It is recommended that you use that layout to build inventory pages.
- Contact allows you to add our standard contact form to any page. Decide which email address the form is sent to, and what the subject should be.
- Map – simple embed box to add a Google map anywhere on the website.
- Image Slideshow allows you to create an image slideshow with images you have saved on your computer. Click Add Block and choose “Image Slideshow.” Click the Select Files button to choose the pictures you want to upload (you can choose multiple images at once by holding down the CTRL key on your keyboard). Once they are done uploading, click the plus button below the photos you want to show. This will turn the frame yellow. By clicking on the “new image title” link, you can:
- Give each image a title.
- Specify a URL visitors go to when they click on each image in the slideshow. If it’s a page within your website, all you need to enter is the page path name, so if you want visitors sent to your homepage, you would type in “home”. If you are sending visitors to a website other than yours, make sure you enter the full URL including the https://.
- Add a caption.
On the right side of the Image Slideshow window, you’ll choose the size of the slideshow and set the timer (in seconds). SiteSource 4 also gives you the option to use thumbnails. Click the Save button to place or update the slideshow on your website. You can also organize your images into folders.
- Image Gallery – same functionality as Image Slideshow, above, but displays all of the selected photos on the page at one time. Choose Responsive, Standard, Wide or Square under the Size field. Images will be cropped accordingly from the center of the uploaded image.
- Video Player allows you to upload a video directly from YouTube or a video file from your computer. Just click either button and follow the prompts. If you choose to display more than one video, a gallery will be created, with thumbnails of each selected video displayed below the player.
- Testimonials allows you to add customer reviews to your website. To add a testimonial: add block, choose Testimonial. Click New and fill out the customer name, salesperson, unit description, testimonial and add a photo. Click Save. All fields are optional.
- Coupon allows you to add coupons to your website. To add coupons: add block, click Coupon, click New. Fill out Title, before & after prices, and start & end dates. Use the content field to explain the offer. The content section uses an editor that allows you to add photos, format text, etc. Click Save.
- Staff allows you to create a staff page and edit the staff members easily. Information available for each employee includes name, department, title, email address, description and photo. Once you’ve clicked on Add Block and Staff, just click on “Edit” next to the staff member’s name to update information. To add a new Staff member, click “New Staff,” fill in the information and Save.
- News allows you to keep your customers informed about what’s going on at the dealership. To add a news item: add block, choose News. Click New and fill out the title, start and end dates. Use the content field to explain the news. The content section uses an editor that allows you to add photos, format text, etc. Click Save.
- Employment allows you to post your job openings along with detail on your website. Once you’ve added the job openings, visitors can fill out a form and submit their resume.
- Events allows you to keep your customers up to date on events that the dealership is involved with. To add a news item: add block, choose Events. Click New and fill out the title, where (location), start and end dates. Use the content field to explain the event. The content section uses an editor that allows to to add photos, format text, etc. Click Save. You can choose to list these events in a list or a calendar.
- Marquee allows you to add scrolling text on the website. To add a marquee: add block, choose Marquee. Fill in the content and choose the behavior, direction, speed and font size. A preview will appear at the top of the gray box. Click Save.
- FAQ provides an easy questions and answer format. Add the block and follow the directions.
- Similar to FAQ, Tips & Tricks allows you to easily create a helpful resource page for your visitors that is formatted.
- Custom Form – build your own form, customized for a specific need. Start by adding a form name and adding the email addresses which send notifications to the sender and to the business. Save. Then, open the form and add the fields, marking required as needed. Save, then on the next screen, select the display radio button and Save again to add the form to the page.
Creating Fly-Out / Drop-Down Menus:
One of the cool features in SiteSource is the ability to create fly-out menus. For example, if you wanted to have a fly-out menu on RV Sales to pages like Fifth Wheels, Travel Trailers and Toy Haulers, you can do that. You would create those additional pages first by using the Add a Page tool, add Inventory – RV content blocks to them specifying the units you want displayed on that page, save it, go back to the Manage Pages section, click and drag these new pages, one by one into the RV Sales button. The RV Sales button will expand in height and that’s when you know to drop it. Click the Save button and your done. Extra tip: drag to the right of existing pages to drop inside of existing pages.
Headings <H1>, <H2>, <H3>, <H4>, <H5> and <H6>:
When creating or editing a page there’s a few simple rules to keep in mind:
- Use only one <H1> heading per page to strengthen your SEO.
- Your <H1> tag should include your best keywords for the page that are relevant to the specific content.
- Use <H2> headings for section sub-titles, making sure to include the most important keyword for that section.
When adding images to your website, make sure you add a unique title to each image so that the search engines can index them. The title acts as the alt tag. Search engines don’t physically see images the way people do, so they rely on the ALT and Title tags to describe the image.
When adding images for the header slideshow or a slideshow block, you’ll notice this section:
SiteSource 3.0
- Responsive – the images will keep the ratio of the picture while fixed to the size of the container.
- 16:9 – all images will form to the same ratio. (Example, if the slideshow is 800px, all images will fix to an 800×450 size.)
- 16:10 – all images will form to the ratio of 16:10. (Example, if the slideshow is 800px, all images will fix to an 800×500 size.)
- 4:3 – all images will form to ratio of 4 by 3. (Example, if the slideshow is 800px, all images will fix to an 800×600 size.)
SiteSource 4.0
- Small
- Medium
- Large
These allow you to choose the height that works best for your design and your images. All 3 options are built with responsive break points so they will look great across all screen sizes and devices. but the image will be cropped. - Responsive – the images will keep the ratio of the picture while fixed to the size of the container. Use this setting if you do not want any cropping to occur.
Page Layouts: Add as many blocks as you’d like on any page in these configurations.
- Free Format Page Layout: One column all the way across the page.
- 2 Column 50/50 Page Layout: Two equally sized columns, side by side.
- 2 Column 50/50 Top & Free Format Bottom Page Layout: One column at the top of the page. Two columns below.
- Inventory with LeftCol Filter: Inventory List page features the Smart Filter on the left side. Specifically for inventory pages.